1 January,2016
Architect with 2 years of experience: A talented Architect job in Haifa, leading medium scale projects in a front end position. You will possess proficiency in AutoCAD and the...
3 December,2015
De-iDEA Labs’ team, represented by Architects Abed Badran and Ameer Srouji have presented, on Tuesday 1st December, the ‘Conservation and Conversion’ of Dahir El Omar Castle to Shafa-Amr council board.
8 September,2015
'De-iDEA Labs' has been asked to be a member in testing team of AutoCAD for Mac Mandalore Beta 2016 Pre-Release.
27 April,2015
De-iDEA Labs’ Team has decided to accept Padico invitation to take part in Jericho Gate Competition. The team considers the invitation as a valuable and a promising opportunity for connecting the divided geography with...
12 May,2014
Meeting with Arab Architects at De-iDEA Labs Haifa Office By Esther Zandberg, 12 May 2014. Haaretz …The only local, public response relating to this issue came from Israeli Arab...